Rocky Rambles to 3 Museums in Uptown Martinsville, Virginia
Every town in America has a story – and people trying to tell that story. I wanted to do something to let you hear that story of Martinsville, Virginia. I should say PART of that story. In a half-hour show, there’s no way I can get to all of the little museums – public and private – and story-tellers in our community. If you live near, or will be visiting, Martinsville, I hope you’ll take time to ramble on in to some of the museums and listen to the stories of the owners. Watch the show and think about the story of your own community – and then ramble on out to listen to that story.
Realize that I have just covered THREE of the museums in this ONE community. Here is the Martinsville-Henry County Tourism Offices listing of museums within the Henry County community. Martinsville-Henry County Museums
Here are the websites and addresses of the museums highlighted in the show:
The Martinsville-Henry County Heritage Center and Museum is located at 1 E Main Street, Martinsville, VA and is operated by the Martinsville-Henry County Historical Society.
Rucker’s Telephone Museum is at 20 E Church St, Martinsville, VA, and is operated privately by Steve Rucker, retired engineer from the local telephone company.
The FAHI Museum is located at 211 W Fayette St, Martinsville, VA, and is operated by FAHI, . They also have a FAHI Facebook Page
I encourage you to ramble on out to visit these museums and the museums in your own community.
As you do, make sure you are driving a safe, well-maintained vehicle.
Here’s your Defensive Driving Tip of the Week
Don’t Drive Distracted. We all hear the stories, see the aftermath, and mourn the losses from distracted driving. And, we shake our heads at the senselessness of OTHER drivers. But, if we’re honest, WE ALL commit acts of distracted driving too often. Remember that you are the operator of a 2-ton potential weapon. Put down the phone, wait to find whatever you dropped, leave that hilarious conversation, and wait to reset your GPS, until you are safely off the road.
Until my next post, here’s wishing you SAFE RAMBLING!