You don’t have to travel great distances to enjoy great outdoor recreation opportunities, especially if you live in southwestern Virginia! (OK, if you live in downtown Chicago, LA or New York City you might have to do some traveling.) Right here in the Dan River Basin, we have many great opportunities. Rocky spoke with Dan River Basin Association (DRBA) Program Manager Brian Williams about such opportunities. We also discussed DRBA’s efforts to improve the quality of life within the Dan River Basin, and how that is unique among environmental organizations. Watch the show and then look through the references below, and enjoy our wonderful natural resources!
Map of the Dan River Basin:
All the things we discussed are highlighted in Dan River Basin Association’s Website . I would urge you to consider membership, if not getting involved. Your membership will help the group provide more recreation, which will lead to more appreciation of the wonderful natural resources of the basin.
Here is a look at DRBA’s regular recreational opportunities: DRBA Monthly Recreation Opportunities (First Saturday Outings)
Check this page out if you’re interested in the Environmental Education opportunities throughout the basin.
And, we discussed the Citizen Scientist program. You don’t have to be a trained scientist to use your observation skills to monitor water conditions in the area.
If your company, community, organization, or family would like to support DRBA, consider a larger membership or contact them through the contacts at the bottom of their Corporate Membership page.
We also discussed the financial assistance from outside entities. Foremost in that arena is The Harvest Foundation. There are others, and need for more.
As always, as you ramble about, make sure that you are driving a safe, well-maintained vehicle.
Your Defensive Driving Tip for the Week
Defensive driving is really a choice; a series of choices, to make better decisions to take smarter before and while you are behind the wheel of a vehicle. The three key concepts to driving more defensively are to: Pay Mor Attention, Drive More Cautiously and, Drive More Courteously to others on the road. Granted there is more to those three keys than just saying them. But, defensive driving starts with the realization of the importance of using these keys. To learn more, find a defensive driving course in your area, of go online and find one.